Monday, May 17, 2010

Foreclosure Notice: What do You do Now?

So you got the foreclosure notice, and even if you saw it coming, your heart probably sank -- holding the papers in your hand makes it very real. But you're not alone and you do have options for debt relief in Vancouver. Tom McAvity and the Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm can help you, so start the process as soon as possible.

Foreclosure notices can make homeowners feel like they are under the microscope, but pulling the ostrich routine is not the answer. Do not ignore the foreclosure notice, even if you have decided to let the house go. You see, if you take action now rather than waiting for the creditors you owe to take action you may be surprised to find that you are in a far better situation than you thought, and you can seek debt relief with Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, depending on your financial situation. Tom McAcvity can sort through your information and determine what you're facing financially as well as in terms of your foreclosure.

There are always options in debt relief, but you may rob yourself of those opportunities if you don't take action in time. Help Tom McAvity help you. When you contact the Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm you will get a FREE consultation and 24-hour support, so call today: 1-866-601-1918.

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